Category: My Life
New Year, New You – Or, Er, Not
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23346 – 1188 Here’s The Haps: Well, the year 2024 is about a week old and here I am, looking back over things I promised myself last year and the year before that, ad infinitum. But this year will be different. This year I am going to set…
A Pause In The (Non)Action For A Grand-dog & Grandkid Moment
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23321 – 1183 Here’s The Haps: Greetings all, I still have a lot going on but I had to share this picture with you. My plan is that over the next couple of days, I will post some Terrible Poetry for you as well. Purposefully, hopefully very bad.…
A Baker’s Dozen Of Generational Memes While You Wait – NaBloPoMo #11
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23290 – 1175 Here’s The Haps: I’m working on a longer, more in-depth post but it takes that most valuable currency of all, time. While we wait, here are some more thoughts that I hope will make you chuckle or at least bring a smile to your face,…
Live Your Life Worthy of the Sacrifices That Made It Possible – NaBloPoMo #10
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23289 – 1174 Here’s The Haps:
New Boots & Such on NaBloPoMo #6
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23285 – 1170 Here’s the haps: This is a good start to experiment with a feature that WordPress has, at least on the self-hosted (what can be called sites. supports sites that use their servers. If you use an independent server and download the WordPress software…
I Possess A Sly and Wily Scheme
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23216 – 1152 Here’s the haps: I need to write. I also like to blog and one of the reasons I started blogging was to exercise my writing, which I’m not doing enough. I also love humor, memes, cartoons, jokes, and especially puns. If I were ever punishedFor…
Yesterday, But No Beatles – A Sweet And A Bitter Day
Hi Folks, I will post all my standard apologies and excuses for not writing on a different day. Today I just want to get something off my mind. I have two friends who are very different from each other. My one friend is a young fellow about my age and…