Category: My Family
A Toddler Presents A Dispensable Duodecahedron Generating Interest In The Empire Of Rome
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23434 – 1199 Here’s The Haps: There is something that is indescribably fun about a toddler with a new word. Now, on occasion, they will pick up a new word that you really don’t want them saying but the best thing to do at that point is to…
Mrs. Herb’s Wish Comes True
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23358 – 1189 Dear and beloved fans, friends, fiends, foes, foundlings, frogs, foundling frogs, fingerlings, fish, and feather dusters, First, a very brief note about the ambiguous announcement I made back in November about life getting busier and crazier and having to cut back on blogging for a…
A Pause In The (Non)Action For A Grand-dog & Grandkid Moment
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23321 – 1183 Here’s The Haps: Greetings all, I still have a lot going on but I had to share this picture with you. My plan is that over the next couple of days, I will post some Terrible Poetry for you as well. Purposefully, hopefully very bad.…
A Two Year Old With Great Rubber Chicken Fashion Sense
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23296 – 1181 Here’s The Haps: Everyone needs a rubber chicken. One of the most useful items on my desk, it is a great inspiration. This one’s name is Ralph. Ralph Rubberchicken. He has been a great friend and boon companion. He is also a good listener. He…