Category: Grand Grandparent Life

  • Happy Birthday, Willy Shaking Spear!

    Happy Birthday, Willy Shaking Spear!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23453 – 1207 Hi Gang! The problems with the website are getting better but not perfect. Still working on what to delete. Mostly memes with alphabet soup for names. Many of my personal favorites will resurface, of course. The weekend included copious gobs of grandchilders so nothing computer…

  • A Toddler Presents A Dispensable Duodecahedron Generating Interest In The Empire Of Rome

    A Toddler Presents A Dispensable Duodecahedron Generating Interest In The Empire Of Rome

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23434 – 1199 Here’s The Haps: There is something that is indescribably fun about a toddler with a new word. Now, on occasion, they will pick up a new word that you really don’t want them saying but the best thing to do at that point is to…

  • Maybe Not All The Way To Canaan But…

    Maybe Not All The Way To Canaan But…

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23145 – 1140 Here’s the haps: Our church is having its annual Father/Son – Men’s campout. This means that I will not be around to visit much. I go with my son, a couple of “adopted” sons, my two teenage grandsons, a couple of “adopted” grandsons, and of…

  • Aaannndd…He’s Back!

    Aaannndd…He’s Back!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22997 – 1061 Greetings, Salutations, Howdy Ya’ll, and, Hi There Herbophiles and Herbophobes, Here’s the haps: Stepping away from the cyber world for a while was nice. I was actually going to be back a bit earlier but we wound up having the one-year-old grandbaby come for a…

  • Some Things, Like Toys, Are Built Better Than Others

    Some Things, Like Toys, Are Built Better Than Others

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22813 – 991 Here’s the haps: So, the two-year-old grandson was here today. They come frequently and I am blessed in that I get the chance to see my grandkids on a fairly regular basis even though I don’t always chronicle every visit. Grandchildren are God’s reward to…

  • Camping Was Fun And I Learned Something That Made Me Feel Good

    Camping Was Fun And I Learned Something That Made Me Feel Good

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22777 – 988 Here’s the haps: If you want to read a first-rate telling of the campout you can check out my son, Ben’s, blog post over at Brother’s Campfire, called, strangely enough, Brother’s Campfire… Camps. But I did have a good time and took a few pictures.…

  • Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: M is for My Adventures or Do I Give A Two-Year-Old A Hammer When He Asks For One?

    Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: M is for My Adventures or Do I Give A Two-Year-Old A Hammer When He Asks For One?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22713 – 963 Here’s the haps: I had the day off today because I will be working tomorrow and spent it with half of my grandchildren. Two teenagers who were neither sullen nor surly, a nine-month-old, a five-month-old, and a two-year-old. TNT has no children of her own…

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