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Tag: writing

  • Missing Something – A Blast From The Past

    Missing Something – A Blast From The Past

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22108-679: Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17879 aka 01/16/2009: Missing Something Today’s prompt is from Herb’s book of real-life experiences: “A wannabe writer with a self-imposed deadline, who usually gets up an hour early just to write, discovers that he is missing an important…

  • Repost of 08-25-09

    Repost of 08-25-09

  • Experimenting


    Over the next few days, I am thinking of testing different looks for the blog. I am not looking to modify it a whole lot, but there are a couple of looks I want to try. I will try to keep the interference to a minimum and still continue my…

  • New Streak

    New Streak

    Today marks the beginning of a new streak. I missed yesterday. To be fair to me, there was a lot going on. We had to take Grandma to the Emergency Room last night and even though it turned out to be okay, actually pretty good, that place always costs time,…

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