Tag: humor
Retail Faux Pas 1976 – By Yours Truly
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22116-687: I was over at A.J. McGregor’s blog Saturday night and read her post called, “Other Things # 7 – One of My Most Insensitive Moments“. I felt her pain and understood how it feels to say something and as soon as it escapes from between your…
Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22107-678: On Monday the 10th, Bruce over at Weave-A-Web posted a story about a pair of unmarried marriage counselors. Marriage Enrichment Program. He is the blogger that most reminds me of O. Henry if O. Henry had more dark endings than light. Anyway, I read it and…