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Tag: humor

  • What?  Herb Was Gone?  Where?  Did He Make Coffee?

    What? Herb Was Gone? Where? Did He Make Coffee?

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23265 – 1163 Here’s the haps: Greetings all. Just a quick note to let you all know that we are okay but things are wild and hectic. Not only that but we had the opportunity to spend some quality time with a couple of the teenage grandkids on…

  • A New Word I learned Today

    A New Word I learned Today

    Herb’s Blog Herbdate 22130 – 701: Today I was visiting Yvonne’s blog, Hello World where she often receives a shopping list and imagines things about the person or the list. She does other posts as well and also, apparently, writes books, which I hadn’t known until today. Her entry today…

  • Retail Faux Pas 1976 – By Yours Truly

    Retail Faux Pas 1976 – By Yours Truly

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22116-687: I was over at A.J. McGregor’s blog Saturday night and read her post called, “Other Things # 7 – One of My Most Insensitive Moments“. I felt her pain and understood how it feels to say something and as soon as it escapes from between your…

  • Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Unmarried Marriage Counselors – They’re Everywhere! – An Ode

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22107-678: On Monday the 10th, Bruce over at Weave-A-Web posted a story about a pair of unmarried marriage counselors. Marriage Enrichment Program. He is the blogger that most reminds me of O. Henry if O. Henry had more dark endings than light. Anyway, I read it and…

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