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Category: Writing

  • Throw It Back Thursday – The Monkey’s Disgrace

    Throw It Back Thursday – The Monkey’s Disgrace

    This was not original with me so I don’t know if it really counts as a true throw-it-back-Thursday entry. Well, since it’s my blog and I make the rules here, it must count because I said so, hahaha. We have been sorting and condensing some boxes and I found this…

  • World Poetry Day

    World Poetry Day

    So, I saw a couple of different places that today is World Poetry Day. This was at the same time I was going through some old junk in my saved folders. I look at stuff I’ve written and a lot of it’s not suitable for publication here. Some of it…

  • Wordless Wednesday

    Wordless Wednesday

    I’ve seen this title a few times around the Internet today, but there is always a comment attached to the photos or whatever. Or some Lorem Ipsum text, which was kind of weird. Especially since the original filler text, used by printers from way before the Internet, is real words,…

  • Blog Reading

    Blog Reading

    The problem that I have with pre-scheduling posts is that I get used to something being there and ready, then discovering that I haven’t done anything for today. Some posts require a lot more energy and time than others, though. I do enjoy writing and I like to think that…

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