Category: Pets & Animals

  • Appendix

    Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days, but Tabitha had to have her appendix out. Normally this is a day in and a day out, but she had some extra pains that they wanted to watch, but now that everything is normal, I have rushed right to the keyboard…

  • The Bunny

    NEVER give a pet to a child without getting permission from the kid’s parents first. Both of ’em, if applicable. Reading Abby Normal’s blog entry of 7/14/05, Pet Peeves, I left a comment about the style of cage I like for small animals, which elicited the question about how…

  • Pix Posted

    I don’t really have a weight update on Savannah. Her gain has slowed because the doctor wanted to get her onto a normal formula mix rather than the extra-calorie mix which would have messed up her liver and such. I haven’t lost anything this week, still at 235, but I…

  • Pronghorn Antelopes

    What a day. We had started out east when Margaret got a page from home. This was unusual so we called back and found out Tabitha was sick. We turned around and wound up taking her to the Emergency Room thinking she may have appendicitis. Why are Emergency Rooms so…

  • More Grumblings

    3 lbs 7 oz! They did an official weight on Sunday and that was it! *Takes cowboy hat in hand and waves it in the air shouting “yee-haw!”* They also tried to bottle-feed her for the first time yesterday also. Isabel and Ben said she tried a couple of times,…

  • More Assorted Stuff

    14 and ½ inches long! Margaret got to go up to see her and said she actually had some meat on her legs. This was exciting. It would have been more exciting if I had seen her myself, but no, I have to have this croupy, cruddy, cough thing going…

  • Ramblings

    Greetings blogophiles, Sorry i haven’t been keeping you as up-to-date as i should. It has been busy around here these last few days. Thanks to God for helping President Bush and thanks to the American people for getting out and voting in record numbers. Carter e-mailed me the county-by-county map…

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