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Category: Holidays – holidaze

  • A Holiday Classic Favorite

    A Holiday Classic Favorite

    Thanks Ashley!

  • Just Wait

    Just Wait

    The retail world is crazy and they have taken a time of wonder and beauty and turned it into something crass and vulgar.  Or at least they have tried.  No matter how much Mad Ave, Hollyweird and the rest of the entertainment industry try, it is still the fact that…



    Aarrrrrggggghhhhh!  It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day this day, me hearties!  So, abandon ship and surrender to yer pirate-y lingo.  If ye be a likely lad or lass but need help understandin’ any of it, sure and ya kin go here for some fun glossaries, translators and name…

  • Grand Baby News

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Well, this has been an eventful month so far.  I have a new grandbaby, number five for those of you keeping score at home, named Levi and almost lost both him and his mom, my youngest daughter, in the process.  You won’t see…

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