Category: Church Life

  • A Beautiful Video My Granddaughter Sent Me

    A Beautiful Video My Granddaughter Sent Me

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22198 – 758: Here’s the haps: I came home tonight pretty tired out and fairly on the grumpy side. I checked my email and saw I had a couple from my granddaughter. I have several natural grandchildren and several who have adopted me that I treat the…

  • After 32 Years I Thought I’d Heard Everything – Nope

    After 32 Years I Thought I’d Heard Everything – Nope

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22193 – 756: Most dear and beloved fans, friends, fiends, foes, and peeps, Here’s the haps: We have started back to having Sunday School in a limited fashion. We don’t run the buses and the kids can only sit two to a pew, one on each end…

  • Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions

    Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22103-674: Lisa Mae over at The Road Back To Life nominated me for an award. The Liebster, I think. Hold on, let me check. Yeah. Normally I would make some snarky remarks about these awards and being nominated but I have a lot of respect for Lisa.…

  • Sunday School Is Cool

    Sunday School Is Cool

    Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22087-657: I started this post in February before the lockdown was in full swing after I was told about a church that made the decision to only have one service and not do Sunday School anymore. I’m not a pastor or preacher or anyone in authority and…

  • The Phone Call

    The Phone Call

    Yesterday I felt humbled and a little awed by a phone call I received. Readers who have been with me for a while now will have noticed that the subject of Sunday School comes up from time to time. I love teaching and I love reading the stories and imagining…

  • Gutless or Good Citizens?

    Gutless or Good Citizens?

    So, apparently, in some circles, even Christian ones, it appears to be a sentiment that if we do not stand up to the government and congregate in assemblies larger than 10 that we are somehow weak, spineless robots. Gutless wonders, afraid to defend our church and our right to lawfully…

  • Thanks For The Thousand

    Thanks For The Thousand

    I just want to tell all of you readers thank you. Thank you. You all know that I am somewhat disdainful of the WP Like button. But, while I was at work yesterday and the app sounded on my phone and I looked at it and saw the graphic above,…

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