Category: Throw It Back Thursday

  • Throw It Back Thursday – The Monkey’s Disgrace

    Throw It Back Thursday – The Monkey’s Disgrace

    This was not original with me so I don’t know if it really counts as a true throw-it-back-Thursday entry. Well, since it’s my blog and I make the rules here, it must count because I said so, hahaha. We have been sorting and condensing some boxes and I found this…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – Al

    Throw It Back Thursday – Al

    “Hey, Al! Al Dente!”I couldn’t believe it. It was my old pal, “Lenny! Lenny Guinne! How are ya these days? Still making a pesto yourself?”“Nah. I’ve been seeing this shy little noodle. Although she’s really come out of her shell, lately.”I elbowed him. “I suppose she’s a saucy little tortellini?”“You…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – Tin Gods

    Throw It Back Thursday – Tin Gods

    So I ran across this phrase in a comic strip and thought, “I really should write about the term and what it means and its usage.”  Except that, I let it sit in my drafts folder for a long time and couldn’t remember what comic strip I saw it in…

  • Throw It Back Thursday

    Throw It Back Thursday

    I am going to start another new weekly feature. Along with Curmudgeonly Monday, I am going to have “Throw It Back Thursday.” Sure, everybody else does “Throwback Thursday,” but I have some ideas for posts that stink so bad that they smell like a fish that needs to be thrown…

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