Category: Blogging

  • Some Shelves Are Empty and A Link To A Good Post

    Some Shelves Are Empty and A Link To A Good Post

    Actually, I should more correctly say, a link to another good post.  I like the Erratic Engineeress’ blog and I like her no-nonsense, common-sense approach to the Corona Virus concern.  She’s written another post that has many links to actual scientific data.  It’s called UNDERSTANDING COVID-19: RELEVANT LITERATURE. I have…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – Tin Gods

    Throw It Back Thursday – Tin Gods

    So I ran across this phrase in a comic strip and thought, “I really should write about the term and what it means and its usage.”  Except that, I let it sit in my drafts folder for a long time and couldn’t remember what comic strip I saw it in…

  • Wordless Wednesday

    Wordless Wednesday

    I’ve seen this title a few times around the Internet today, but there is always a comment attached to the photos or whatever. Or some Lorem Ipsum text, which was kind of weird. Especially since the original filler text, used by printers from way before the Internet, is real words,…

  • Common Sense About Covid19 and A New Setting For The Blog

    Common Sense About Covid19 and A New Setting For The Blog

    I was visiting Erratic Engineeress today and found a really terrific and in-depth article about how we all need to behave rationally in the face of this virus. It is so full of common sense that I highly recommend you go read what she has to say in her post…

  • “Scientists” – Curmudgeonly Monday

    “Scientists” – Curmudgeonly Monday

    I have been writing vignettes, articles, opinion pieces, poetry, and whatnot since before I ever had a typewriter, word processor, or computer. The advantage of the computer is that, if you are a pack-rat like me, you save all kinds of things. The original title of this piece was “Scientists”…

  • Blog Reading

    Blog Reading

    The problem that I have with pre-scheduling posts is that I get used to something being there and ready, then discovering that I haven’t done anything for today. Some posts require a lot more energy and time than others, though. I do enjoy writing and I like to think that…

  • Throw It Back Thursday

    Throw It Back Thursday

    I am going to start another new weekly feature. Along with Curmudgeonly Monday, I am going to have “Throw It Back Thursday.” Sure, everybody else does “Throwback Thursday,” but I have some ideas for posts that stink so bad that they smell like a fish that needs to be thrown…

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