Category: Blogging

  • The Elite Blogger

    The Elite Blogger

    Yep. That’s me! Hahahaha! As if I believe Word Press. But they did award me with this cute little graphic. I did a brief search on the internet for 1337 and found this: leet/lēt/Nounnoun: 1337an informal language or code used on the Internet, in which standard letters are often replaced…

  • Lookin’ For Work

    Lookin’ For Work

    Finding a job is really annoying. Even in this electronic age when it ought to be easier than ever, it’s just really frustrating. Oh, don’t get me wrong, the old days were no picnic, riding the bus all over town all day long, following leads from the want ads and…

  • Plagiarism or Reblogged?  What is Copyright Infringement?

    Plagiarism or Reblogged? What is Copyright Infringement?

    Before I dive into this one let me make sure you understand that I am not a lawyer and I am not offering legal advice you can take to court. “Herb said this, your honor,” is not going to work. “Your honor, plaintiff states that on May 17th, 2020, Herb…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – what’s past is prologue

    Throw It Back Thursday – what’s past is prologue

    Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to comeIn yours and my discharge. Shakespeare – The Tempest That’s really a pretty dramatic opening for this post, but I happened to see the quote somewhere and recalled a bit of The Tempest to memory and realized I don’t have anything nearly as…

  • A New Comment System and a Quiz

    I’m trying out a new WP comment system plugin called wpDiscuz. What I am hoping is that it will keep people’s comments from going into spam for no apparent reason. Or worse, as in the case of Bruce, over at Weave A Web never making it here at all. I…

  • Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    I originally wrote and posted this on April 10, 2015 for the Blogging A – Z challenge. I reprint it here virtually untouched. If you wish to waste your time comparing it to the original you can find it here. H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe…

  • Sorry Folks – Nothing To See Here

    Sorry Folks – Nothing To See Here

    Really. I had been perusing my personal archives looking for something for you and I re-discovered that I had re-posted nothing 2008. I’m going to have to do that, of course, but reading through different posts I had saved as Word documents I kept changing my mind between, “What a…

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