Category: Blogging A – Z Challenge 2024
Pringle’s and Barney Google Do Not Start With The Letter “C”
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23433 – 1198 Here’s The Haps: I’m thinking that some of my readers come here for a little chirking up on occasion. I first ran across the term, “chirk up” as I was reading a vintage comic strip called Barney Google and Snuffy Smith. By now most everyone…
The Brutality Of The Time To Eat A Donut
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23432 – 1197 Here’s The Haps: Well, it’s only been one post, so far and already I am thinking of getting away from the list of words I started out with. I don’t know, though, yet. These posts will be, of course, of varying quality but they are…
A Is For April Already‽ Or April Fool’s? Or April A – Z Challenge?
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23431 – 1196 Dear Readers, Even though I enjoy puns and jokes I have never been good at coming up with pranks for April Fool’s Day. I have a granddaughter that has made up for it in times past though. One year she put googly eyes on everything…
Sproing! And I Announce It Against My Better Judgment
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23420 – 1195 Dear Readers, Every morning I do what my Rice Krispies tell me to do. And the fact that my body cracks like a glow stick every time I move and yet doesn’t actually glow is a big disappointment. Hopefully, my announcement will have the opposite…