Author: Herb

  • Plagiarism or Reblogged?  What is Copyright Infringement?

    Plagiarism or Reblogged? What is Copyright Infringement?

    Before I dive into this one let me make sure you understand that I am not a lawyer and I am not offering legal advice you can take to court. “Herb said this, your honor,” is not going to work. “Your honor, plaintiff states that on May 17th, 2020, Herb…

  • Limp Duck

    Limp Duck

    A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinarian. As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, “I’m so sorry, your pet has passed…

  • Technical Difficulties

    Technical Difficulties

    Sorry, but I ran into some problems trying to get the post I had planned to work. I wasn’t able to really focus my whole energy on it because I was too busy getting drooled on by a happy, wide-awake 7 month old, as Lisa over at Grief to Beautiful…

  • Throw It Back Thursday – what’s past is prologue

    Throw It Back Thursday – what’s past is prologue

    Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to comeIn yours and my discharge. Shakespeare – The Tempest That’s really a pretty dramatic opening for this post, but I happened to see the quote somewhere and recalled a bit of The Tempest to memory and realized I don’t have anything nearly as…

  • A New Comment System and a Quiz

    I’m trying out a new WP comment system plugin called wpDiscuz. What I am hoping is that it will keep people’s comments from going into spam for no apparent reason. Or worse, as in the case of Bruce, over at Weave A Web never making it here at all. I…

  • Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    Reprint of Herby, Author Extraordinaire and the Magic Typewriter

    I originally wrote and posted this on April 10, 2015 for the Blogging A – Z challenge. I reprint it here virtually untouched. If you wish to waste your time comparing it to the original you can find it here. H is for Heroes I have several writing heroes; maybe…

  • Sorry Folks – Nothing To See Here

    Sorry Folks – Nothing To See Here

    Really. I had been perusing my personal archives looking for something for you and I re-discovered that I had re-posted nothing 2008. I’m going to have to do that, of course, but reading through different posts I had saved as Word documents I kept changing my mind between, “What a…

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