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Author: Herb

  • Gobsmacked By Greensleeves

    Gobsmacked By Greensleeves

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23435 – 1201 Here’s the haps: This, like so many of these posts this month will, of course, be globbed with gibberish. Many of you will remember that I was the winner of Chel Owen’s Terrible Poetry Contest around Christmastime. It was my parody of a Christmas song…

  • Two! Two! Two Days For The Price Of One!

    Two! Two! Two Days For The Price Of One!

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23434 – 1200 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>If you want more about our friend, Art Vegan, click here.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dear Readers,One of my favorite cartoon characters was Inspector Gadget. He was voiced by Don Adams who also starred as Maxwell Smart on the show, Get Smart. He was also the voice of Tennessee Tuxedo.…

  • A Toddler Presents A Dispensable Duodecahedron Generating Interest In The Empire Of Rome

    A Toddler Presents A Dispensable Duodecahedron Generating Interest In The Empire Of Rome

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23434 – 1199 Here’s The Haps: There is something that is indescribably fun about a toddler with a new word. Now, on occasion, they will pick up a new word that you really don’t want them saying but the best thing to do at that point is to…

  • Pringle’s and Barney Google Do Not Start With The Letter “C”

    Pringle’s and Barney Google Do Not Start With The Letter “C”

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23433 – 1198 Here’s The Haps: I’m thinking that some of my readers come here for a little chirking up on occasion. I first ran across the term, “chirk up” as I was reading a vintage comic strip called Barney Google and Snuffy Smith. By now most everyone…

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