A Shout Out To My Friends Here At The Blogosphere & IRL

A Shout Out To My Friends Here At The Blogosphere & IRL

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23601 – 1219

Here’s the haps:

Consistency. A word that I have seldom laid claim to. When I posted the “Remember” picture on 9/11 I didn’t think about how long it had been since my last post. That’s where my Herbdate came in handy. It was 34 days since my last post. That’s a long time but as life goes on I find myself needing to prioritize some things over others. The acronym IRL, which stands for “In Real Life” applies in my situation as in, IRL I have family members to help, I have people IRL depending on me and my assistance. IRL I also have two toddlers living here that I didn’t have before. They are not “in my care” as you might usually think of the term but as a Grandpa and (alleged) patriarch, everybody in the family is “in my care” besides the fact that conversations with two-year-olds and four-year-olds are scintillating.

And when one of them is sitting in your office chair dressed as a giant flamingo carrying a toy fish and says, “Spin me, Papa, spin me!” What is a real Grandpa to do? You spin the chair around. “Again!” and again and again. “What does a flamingo say, Grampa?” We find a video or two showing Flamingos. My desk and computer sit out in one of the front rooms which can obviously lead to distraction. With everything else that comes with day-to-day living with disabled people, chores, to-dos, honey-dos, and the little details of everyday life that come; it limits my time to think and write creatively to either later evening or early morning hours. I also have commitments to prayer and reading and studying the Bible plus a Sunday School class to prepare for. I have no complaints about any of it but I do have to prioritize and something either has to go or be put on a lower priority or the back burner. This blog is one of those lower priorities right now.


A couple of things happened to me this week that made me rethink how I want to handle this blog and what my priorities should be. I was encouraged by a couple of haps. One thing that happened was that I received an email. “Wooo…Big deal, Herb! You got an email.” Okay, okay, I get many, many emails but what made this one stand out was the fact that I have met this person and know them to be a good and kind and caring person who simply asked whether I was taking another blogging break.

The other thing that happened this week was that Boromax over at ~ Trivial Music Silliness ~ recommended my blog to his readers. I take this as a high honor, indeed. You should check him out he has all sorts of subject matter and an eclectic, sometimes esoteric taste in music. He also does a variety of other things as well.


What this means to you, dear readers, is I will try harder to pay attention to my blogging and try to post something once or twice a week rather than once a month.


10 responses to “A Shout Out To My Friends Here At The Blogosphere & IRL”

  1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    You have your priorities way under control, Herb. I can relate. In 2013 a family of five came to live with my wife and me. In 2018, he oldest granddaughter went to college and moved out and my son and his wife moved to a modest condo we financed. Still living with us after 11 years are two grandchildren, a now twenty year old autistic male (luckily my wife was a special ed teacher) and a now 12 year old girl. More than my once daily Blog has been disrupted and I break all the protocols of being timely with my reading, responses, and comments. But it is all worth it, isn’t it? I think God is keeping my wife and I healthy at age 77 (three of my younger brothers have died) because our work is not finished. People like you are our role models, Herb.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks so much for your kind and generous comment. Yeah, real life can be a trip, for sure. If someone had told teenager me all the things that would happen in life I would have laughed at them. I feel incredibly blessed, though, even when I am feeling overwhelmed.

  2.  Avatar

    Real life has a funny way of taking over the internet stuff. Do it because you want to – not because you have to!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks so much! That is the best advice I have received so far.

  3. boromax Avatar

    Thank you for the mention, Herb. Honestly, I was not trying to guilt you into anything! But I have wondered about you and prayed a little extra for you. I have been doing my Adventures in Blogging feature according to when I first start following each blog; from the longest ago to the most recent. I appreciate you! Keep enjoying those grandkids. All of mine live too far away to see very often. May THE LORD bless you and keep you! ~Ed.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hi Ed. I didn’t feel like you were trying to do that all. It was my own conscience and the way I am built. I absolutely do appreciate the prayers, though. I know I am blessed to have the grandkids so close by and it is a blessing and I appreciate it.

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Great quote. Good to hear from you 🤣😎🙃

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you kindly, sir.

  5. ParentingIsFunny Avatar

    So kind that a blog friend reached out to be sure you were okay. I get that. Many bloggers have disappeared in the 13 years I’ve been blogging. It always makes me wonder and a little concerned. Nice that you’re letting us know you’re okay. I should give my husband a directive that if anything happens to me, he’ll need to let my readers know! 😛

    1. Herb Avatar

      Really, that’s not a bad idea at all.

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