The Herb Date Palindrome & A Quick Update (new edit/add)

The Herb Date Palindrome & A Quick Update (new edit/add)

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23532 – 1214

Here’s the haps:

We have had a lot of things going on the last several weeks. Mrs. Herb’s cousin, a farmer from Wisconsin, brought one of his farmer friends and rented a tractor to do some major landscaping work for us. We would never have been able to get it all done. It also involved coordinating with a friend from church who is a professional climbing arborist and credentialed by the U.S. Forest Service to bring his wood chipper and chainsaws and help us out also. It was a good time but time-consuming. There’s no way I would ever have gotten it all done or been able to pay someone to do it. We reimbursed them for expenses but that’s about it. Well, I take that back, we fed them and feeding two Wisconsin farm boys (I call them farm boys but they are grown men in their fifties. It’s just a turn of a phrase.) can be a task. In the middle of all that we celebrated our country’s Independence on July 4th at our son’s house with a potluck dinner. Out-of-town guests brought fireworks along and son-in-law went to a different state and purchased a supply of fireworks as well. It was exciting and fun. John Adams said, “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” [Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776, “Had a Declaration…” [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society.]

I have many more excuses to provide for not updating but one of my (many) problems is that my mind gets into a loop. For example, “I need to finish the series on Durango. I want to write about something else. I have to finish the series first. It’s old news now, Herb. But I have to wrap it up. No, you don’t, just post something. People are getting tired of checking to see if you posted anything…” And on and on in a downward spiral until I go for extended periods of time and readers get bored and drop off. This morning something shook me out of my cycle. I received an email from saying I had reached a milestone. Today is my palindrome day. A palindrome is a word or a phrase, or in this case, a number, that can be read the same backwards and forward. I am 23,532 days old. It was almost exactly 4 years ago when I started using the Herbdate to start most of my posts.

I hope you don’t suffer from Aibohphobia, the contrived name for a fear of palindromes, because I have a few examples listed below.

Yo, Banana Boy!
Sir, I demand, I am a maid named Iris.
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Taco Cat eating Bird rib
Bob, Anna, and Hannah swear it was UFO Tofu
Elle was a tuna nut
Sit on a potato pan, Otis
Just don’t commit
Murder for a jar of red rum

The marvelous Mr. Ohh of Mr. Ohh!’s Sideways View pointed out that Weird Al Yankovic did a really great song full of palindromes called Bob. It parodies Bob Dylan’s style. Thanks, Mr. Ohh. Enjoy:


6 responses to “The Herb Date Palindrome & A Quick Update (new edit/add)”

  1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    If you like palindromes, This is the song for you It’s BOB by Weird Al Yankovic

    1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

      I put a link there but your spam folder deleted it 🤣😎🙃

  2. ParentingIsFunny Avatar

    Love that bit of history. Nice we all took him seriously! Great about the help you got with your yard. I hope everyone enjoyed the work, or at least tolerated it well. 🙂

    1. Herbert Avatar

      It sounded like one of those quotes that you might wish somebody had said but it turned out to be real. They enjoyed the work but the one guy was disappointed he couldn’t just start everything on fire.

  3.  Avatar

    Fun post! And you can’t go with any Weird Al songs….

    1. Herbert Avatar

      I’m been a longtime fan of his.

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