Da Winnah!  Terrible Poetry Contest!

Da Winnah! Terrible Poetry Contest!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23344 – 1187

Hi all,

Here’s The Haps:

Back on December 14, I told you about my entering Chel Owens’ Terrible Poetry Contest. I made 4 entries and I won with my version of “What child is this?”

What Child Is This

What child is this, who scrapes his knee
And to Mary, he cries, while she’s sleeping?
He seems like any other kid
With ouchies and boo-boos (I’m sure he did).
He falls down and then starts bleeding.

She says, “Don’t wipe your nose on your robe!
Washing the clothes is harder than you’d believe
And if you don’t take care of your nose
People will call you Greensleeves.”

The competition was really tough, as you’ll see if you go look at Chel’s announcement post and I’m sure it was hard to decide on the most terrible poem of all but I made it. There was some really awful stuff there.

The thing I like about this award is that I had to actually do something and not complete an internet chain letter. I haven’t been seeing nearly as many of those lately and I don’t know if it’s because people are realizing how sill they are or if the blogs that I follow have just matured past that stage. Anyway, thanks, Chel, for this award (I think).


26 responses to “Da Winnah! Terrible Poetry Contest!”

  1. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Now you have to add a blog page for ‘awards’, include this one. Those awards come with too much work!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Sometimes when I would get “nominated” I would answer the questions if I thought they were interesting.

  2. Carl D'Agostino Avatar

    Congratulation on being terrible. I should have submitted. Ever since I was 6 years old everybody said I was terrible , everything I said or wrote was terrible. and everything I ever did was terrible. They usually added “It’s all your fault” as an extra barb. One good thing about my advanced age is that my hearing and vision have declined. Now I can’t read or hear any more “terribles”.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahaha…I’m sure they meant terrific.

  3. ParentingIsFunny Avatar

    Hey, congrats! I didn’t know you were a part of Chel’s poetry contests. I see them on her blog, but have never had the nerve to participate. Well done to you!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you! I seldom try because a lot of times I don’t even get the rules but this was different.

  4. John Avatar

    I love your poem but somehow I have come to believe that if Jesus were to have scraped his knee when He was a child, He would also have instantly healed it.

    1. Herb Avatar

      The reason I don’t think so is because, while he was 100% man and 100% God at any given moment. The Bible says, “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. ” He had to grow up and become a man just like anyone else.

      1. John Avatar

        I know that he had to grow up and become a man but he was 100% God even as a child and because of this, I believe He had healing power even as a child. I do not believe that any of His powers were diminished by being a child and I know His knowledge was not diminished because He was giving the scholars in the Temple a run for their money knowledge wise.

  5.  Avatar

    Hmmm, this makes me wonder if you used artificial intelligence or the nature dumbness you were born with!?😂
    Just teasin’, my friend, and congratulations!!
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Duh, what? I ain’t used no intelligence, artifishul or otherwise.

  6. Quippery Avatar

    Good bad job, Herb!

    1. Herb Avatar


  7. Sarah Angleton Avatar

    Um, congratulations?

    1. Herb Avatar

      😁 Thanks…I think.

  8. dumbestblogger Avatar


    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you very much.

  9. brilliantviewpoint Avatar

    You did a great job on that poem! I left smiling.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you very much!

  10. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    Terribly good.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you…I think.

  11. J P Avatar

    Well done sir! And because cooking it to well done ruins any good piece of beef, your well done poetry is awful too. 🙂

    1. Herb Avatar


  12. obbverse Avatar

    As I was family committed- no, that sounds wrong… Out of circulation due to family commitments (that sounds better) I didn’t congratulate you on this. The greensleeves line is a great one.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  13. […] Many of you will remember that I was the winner of Chel Owen’s Terrible Poetry Contest around Christmastime. It was my parody of a Christmas song many people know called “What Child Is This?” […]

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