Stab Your Salad 23 Times

Stab Your Salad 23 Times

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23048 – 1082

Here’s the haps:

Today is the fifteenth of March. Day number 74 of this year which is exactly 20% over. I had this thought about the middle of this month, it was one of my ideas of March.

Today the weather is very pleasant and will be in the sixties. Tomorrow it will be in the thirties with snow flurries and I shall have to beware the ice of March.

Don’t be angry, but today is the fifteenth. Beware the ires of March!

Please don’t say, “I told you so.” Beware the chides of March.

When Mrs. Simpson glares at you you’d better beware the eyes of Marge.

The official restaurant of the fifteenth of July is Little Caesars.

But I think you should celebrate the fifteenth of March by eating a donut. In fact, eat two, brute.

Was Julius Caesar the first Holey Roman Emperor?

My time-traveling friend, Sabot, and I tried to save the emperor. We saw the old fortune teller reading the leaves of her salad. “Grab her!” I said, thinking our hope might lie in the prophecy not being uttered, but he froze. He couldn’t do it, even after I yelled, “Chicken! Seize her salad!”



24 responses to “Stab Your Salad 23 Times”

  1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    You are a sick man my friend. I like that in a person. When soldiersget upset after a hike the sargent always has to beware the Ire Of March.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Ohh! Good one!

  2. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    This post was the gift that kept on giving.

    1. Herb Avatar


  3. John Avatar

    I like the idea of stabbing the salad … but in my case, I chew every mouthful of food that I eat 28 times.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s better for your digestion if you can do it.

  4. haoyando Avatar

    20% is already gone? Unbelievable. Time is flying. Somehow I tried to comment on your pi post yesterday, but somehow was told that I couldn’t do it by WP. How strange. I hope this post is ok to receive my comment.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m really sorry that happened. It has happened to others but it’s pretty random and can’t nail down what causes it. I always appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

  5. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Very clever, Herb! Great post. I wish I could come up with my own pun on the Ides of March, but I simply can’t. I’m pretty sure that Peter could, however. 😊

    1. Herb Avatar

      Most likely.

  6. Phil Strawn Avatar

    I will remember to stab my salad. Going to be 80 today here in Granbury, then storms this afternoon and freezing weather on Friday night, and we planted many plants last week, so now I have to cover everything with plastic and hope they make it through. Texas, what can you say.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Sounds like Colorado. It was 65 yesterday and there is snow on the ground today.

  7. M Avatar

    Nice one 🤣

    1. Herb Avatar


  8. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Wow. This was beautiful. Especially the part about donuts.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Happy to help😁

  9. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I don’t know why some days Nonce won’t accept my comments but I come back and test and sometimes that works.

    1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

      Wow that worked. I have tried several times on the Pi post to say: When my wife was teaching Fourth Grade, she would call me at work during her recess and Math breaks to ask me Math questions. She eventually found teaching Second Grade and Special Ed much more comfortable.

      1. Herb Avatar

        THat’s how I would be with it. Math was never my strong suit or first love, to be sure.

    2. Herb Avatar

      I’m really sorry. I have been trying to make sure the cache on the blog is cleared out and that may be helping some. I feel bad when that happens to people and it’s so random, too.

  10. J P Avatar

    These were fabulously horrible. But the meme with the knife in the bottle is all wrong. Everyone knows they didn’t stab Caesar dressing. They waited until he was going to the senate.

    This is also a bad time of year to walk barefoot in the woods because of insects. Beware the mites of arch.

    1. Herb Avatar

      😂🤣I really did laugh out loud and did a double face palm.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ My wife came by and asked what was going on. I told her and she just rolled her eyes, shook her head and walked away. Genius!! 💡💡

      1. J P Avatar

        Haha, thank you kind sir (bowing deeply)

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