Something Nice On The ‘Net Saturday

Something Nice On The ‘Net Saturday

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22316 – 1071

Sorry, I haven’t been posting but I have been trying to get around to read and look at everybody else’s stuff. This is one of those features I really enjoy doing, though and so,

Here’s the haps:

Oh, wait. Before I start on this week’s story I want to tell you about something I learned the other day. One of my Canadian followers, Margy from Amusives, could not view last week’s video because it was restricted there. I found a tool on the Internet called Check YouTube Video Region Restrictions Online which shows you if the video is restricted in other countries. Last week’s video was restricted in Australia, Canada, and Japan for whatever reason. Here is a link to a written version of the story: Tennessee students build robotic hand for new classmate. The workarounds I found were to use a VPN or Web Proxy to connect to a server in the appropriate region. I don’t want people to go through all that so I will be using this restriction checker to make sure it’s available to all.

I had a couple of stories to share today. The one was from last year, however, about an eight-year-old West Virginia boy who sold his Pokemon cards so his puppy could stay at the vet and be cured of Parvo which is an awful, frequently deadly disease for dogs. The Pokemon people were impressed and sent him some very rare cards to replace the ones he had sold. It was a nice story and you can read it here.

The story I have featured here just had a warmth to it and may not have gotten national attention because the people involved are just nice normal people. Not flamboyant or exotic; Not costing a large sum of money; No puppies in danger but this guy did this just because he wanted to and is really not the type to seek praise. East Idaho News does a feature called Feel Good Friday which highlights something good they can report in the local news there. I have enjoyed several of their stories and really liked this one because this guy Dallon seems like a lot of the guys I grew up with in our small town. Nothing extraordinary about him at all and a bit overwhelmed by being in the spotlight, even for a bit. I have also had friends and acquaintances with Down Syndrome and know that someone being kind like this has a great impact. I also like that the station didn’t overdo it but, in my opinion, recognized this at just the right level.


23 responses to “Something Nice On The ‘Net Saturday”

  1. Iseult Murphy Avatar

    That’s really lovely. Thanks, Herb.

    1. Herb Avatar

      You’re welcome.

  2. haoyando Avatar

    Your story is somehow in a category to be restricted in Canada and Japan. I wonder what category that is. Now you make me think that maybe our area has some laws that we don’t know of which restricts our access to certain content. I know that on Amazon or on netflix youtube videos, there will be item that says restricted in your area or something like that.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah, I don’t really get it, but I am willing to do what I can. People doing nice things should be recognized.

  3. Amusives Avatar

    Feel Good Friday – what an excellent idea and this was a wonderful story!
    That is very generous of you to take the time to check if a video is restricted in certain countries. Who knows what or why Canada restricts things, but it will likely get worse once the government passes Bill C-11 which will give them control of online streaming in addition to the control they have of radio and TV.

    1. Herb Avatar

      How long before our countries open Ministries of Truth, I wonder.

  4. Endless Weekend Avatar

    Makes one wonder if we’re somehow naturally attracted to “bad news” and that’s why the media reports mostly on that?

    1. Herb Avatar

      You are probably right. It’s a shame, though.

  5. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Good thing the Aussie’s are taking a hard line against provocative internet content like school kids being nice to their classmates.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Can’t be too careful. What if everybody started being nice?

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar

        Yikes. Scary thought.

        1. Herb Avatar

          Next thing you know everybody would be all tactful and stuff while being honest and straightforward. Next thing ya know, everybody’s jumping out of the handbasket.

          1. dumbestblogger Avatar

            We can’t have that, can we?

  6. John Avatar

    Great human interest stories, Herb… much appreciated .. and savored.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

  7. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Great stuff Herb 🤣😎🙃

    1. Herb Avatar


  8. Kelly MacKay Avatar

    Nice story on the boy and his sick puppy. Id love to know how the puppy is doing?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I know that it survived the Parvo but I didn’t really look much deeper into it than that. Sorry.

      1. Kelly MacKay Avatar

        No problem

  9. J P Avatar

    The only problem with nice stories like this is that there is just no room for snide or snarky comments. Could you maybe consider a Mockery Monday or a Torment Tuesday to give us a safe outlet for our less desirable character traits? 🙂

    1. Herb Avatar

      😂🤣I used to do “Curmudgeonly Monday” and when I was feeling good I called it, “Mudgeonly Monday.” I’ll see what I can do, lol.

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