Breaking News – Something Sweet‽  Is Augustus Gloop Really A Nincompoop‽

Breaking News – Something Sweet‽ Is Augustus Gloop Really A Nincompoop‽

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22868 – 997

Here’s the haps:

Well, I somehow missed a major, significant news story in June. Two employees at an M & M Mars factory fell into a vat of chocolate. Now I want to know, how does something like this happen? I mean, I know what happened with the greedy Augustus Gloop (I only know the book and the 1971, Gene Wilder, version) who kind of got what he deserved:

And of course, the only other person I ever heard of this happening to was Tommy Smothers:

But I expect that neither Augustus nor Tommy were properly trained. Now, I know nothing about these people in this story except that they were employees and there were two of them. I expect you have to have some modicum of training to run these machines. How do you have two people wind up waist-deep in chocolate? One person might have a freak accident, sure, but two? First responders had to cut a hole in the side of the vat to get them out. Well, we know two things are going to happen for sure. Lawyers are going to be involved and OSHA is working on a new safety handbook, You and Chocolate – Safety First.


21 responses to “Breaking News – Something Sweet‽ Is Augustus Gloop Really A Nincompoop‽”

  1. Lisa Mae ❤️ Avatar

    Thanks for the laugh… needed it today…

    1. Herb Avatar

      After reading your post I think you needed it, too.

  2. Amber Avatar

    Well I’m definitely sad I can’t partake in chocolate to that degree anymore, but I do agree with chocolate otherwise

    1. Herb Avatar

      At least try to always have a couple of Twix up your sleeve, though.

  3. kagould17 Avatar

    Excellent post Herb. Saturday goes better with chocolate. Cheers. Allan

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yummy to da tummy!

  4. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    You are cruel to those of us who can’t eat chocolate. Grr!!! Honestly, it’s been so long (over 30 years), I just don’t care anymore. Sigh.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m sorry.

  5. Garfield Hug Avatar

    Love and laughed so hard at your “chocolatey” treats Herb!

    1. Herb Avatar


      1. Garfield Hug Avatar


  6. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Good grief! How could two fall into a vat of chocolate? Excellent question! This is a great post and I love all the cartoons.

  7. Sarah Angleton Avatar

    There are probably worse accidents to get into.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Very true.

  8. MichaelStephenWills Avatar

    What about the “I Love Lucy” candy factory episode?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, man! (Forehead palm!) How could I have forgotten that one‽‽‽

  9. Kelly MacKay Avatar


  10. haoyando Avatar

    Love your chocolate post, especially the one involves pandas. It is true. I feel that the diet choice of bamboo is a little weird, don’t you think? I mean bamboo has a lot of fibers but not very nutritious.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Very true but there are a lot of strange things in nature, lol.

  11. J P Avatar

    My question: what happened to the vat of chocolate after they got the guys out? Did it go into the landfill? The sewage system? Or use it for a new candy bar flavored for cannibals?

    1. Herb Avatar

      That last would be a marketing gimmick…”Soylent Green – The Candy Bar” now with authentic…never mind. I couldn’t find anything that said what happened to it or even how it happened in the first place, Tommy Smothers’ explanation aside, of course.

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