Tag Me Tuesday – On Thursday – Lydia’s Questions & Cherie’s Questions

Tag Me Tuesday – On Thursday – Lydia’s Questions & Cherie’s Questions

Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22112-683:

I was over at The Ineffable James Proclaims (I think he should rename his blog to reflect his adequacy as a blogger) this week and he has also created an award. Maybe not as positive as my Award-Winning Wednesday, he has created the snarkier Adequate Blogger Award. I say that because I sincerely like telling my readers about blogs that I think are superior, whose authors I think I would enjoy meeting and James is, well, more James-like. At any rate, it’s clear that we both agree that these so-called “blogger awards” are nothing more than electronic chain letters.

All that being repeated for the sake of new readers since I have said this in several posts, the most recent being when I created Award-Winning Wednesday, I still received two nominations this week anyway. One was for The Outstanding Blogger Award from Lydia over at In His Service and Loving It. The other was The Sunshine Blogger Award from Chateau Cherie, who, you may or may not recall, was recently featured on Award-Winning Wednesday.

Well, Herb, someone in the back shouted. You there, what do you want? Well, Herb, if you hate them so much why do you even acknowledge them at all? Aren’t you reinforcing their bad behavior? Since it seems to me that the nature of blogging is to talk about oneself, I do answer the questions from them. These may be the last two I do like this for a while, though.

Lydia’s Questions

What is the most important part of each day to you?
Early morning

What is your favorite way to exercise/work out?
Please don’t cuss on my blog.

What is a food you could never get tired of eating?

What is your birthday month?
February (Which I knew how to spell before computers)

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Sliding on an icy road with no control at all with my pregnant wife in the car and a bunch of kids playing in the ditch I was heading toward. Fortunately, the kids got out of the way and baby Ben was okay.

How often do you get a headache and how do you get rid of it?
I get bad headaches when people nominate me for silly, bogus awards. I get rid of them by defenestrating my computer. Well, I used to do that but it got to be an expensive habit.

Have you ever told a joke to a bunch of people, but you were the only one that thought it was funny?
Most of the people I know are too nice to not give at least a courtesy laugh. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Cherie’s Questions

How did you get started blogging?
As a writing exercise and to vent about politics a little bit.

How long have you had your blog?
My first post was on Herb’s blog, Herbdate 16313-001, or more commonly known as October 4th, 2004. To Blog or Not To Blog

Are you an animal lover?
Oh yes, definitely. Especially with either A-1 Sauce or Ketchup.

Dog or cat?
Never tried them. I have had hasenpfeffer though and liked it.

Stephen King or Dean Koontz?
Douglas Adams

Have you written and published a book?
Written, yes. Published, not yet.

What would be your favorite vacation spot, the mountains, or the beach?
The mountains with no question.

Where would you like to retire?
Colorado Springs, Colorado. This is where God planted us and unless He decides differently, this is where we’ll be, either when He comes back or we have passed from the scene.

What is your dream car?
One that runs and will get me from Point A to Point B.

What do you think is the best blog post you’ve ever written?
Dead Drunk

Music or TV shows?
I hate T.V., Hollyweird and the entertainment industry. I don’t own a T.V. set. So, some good old Gospel songs. Southern, Country, Mass Choir, just any good Gospel music. I like some novelty stuff and a few Big Band/Swing Era numbers. I listen to Old Time Radio a lot, too.


30 responses to “Tag Me Tuesday – On Thursday – Lydia’s Questions & Cherie’s Questions”

  1. James Avatar

    Never been described as ineffable before. But I am ineffably adequate in fairness

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s true. In fact just the day I thought, “That post was fair.”

    2. AJMcGregor Avatar

      I see that you also follow WD Fyfe. He’s my sister’s partner. 😊 Just a little blogger’s trivia for you.

      1. Herb Avatar

        That is interesting!

        1. AJMcGregor Avatar

          He’s a great guy and a lot of fun.

          1. Herb Avatar

            I only just started following him but it’s promising.

      2. James Avatar

        That it is interesting. It’s a small blogosphere!

  2. Beck Avatar

    Run, Swim! Bike it, Herb! (Just getting my Tourette’s out for the day)

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh. Well, since you weren’t serious…lol.

      1. Beck Avatar


  3. Lydia Avatar

    I’m sorry, but I didn’t cuss and I really don’t get it if that was meant to be a joke.
    That scary moment sounds super scary!
    I wanted/needed a real answer for the headache question…🙄

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I hardly like to repeat it but you did say, “exe*****” and “W***” and in the same sentence, even.
      It was scary.
      Oh. Since you know I have a bad attitude about these things you probably should have just asked it. I don’t get headaches. Except stress.

      1. Lydia Avatar



  4. dumbestblogger Avatar

    That sounds like a quality car your describing.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. They’re nice to have when they work. Horse and buggies have their problems, too.

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar

        So I hear.

  5. Ishaan Sharma Avatar

    Great answers. Especially the ones revolving around animals.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Thanks.

      1. Ishaan Sharma Avatar


  6. cheriewhite Avatar

    I love your answer to “What is your dream car.” And forgive me for the chain letter, I guess I never thought of it that way. LOL 🙂

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, well, I know there might be people who don’t agree with me on that but it’s just how I feel. Thanks for following and reading and commenting!

      1. cheriewhite Avatar


  7. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Appropriate responses I think

    1. Herb Avatar


  8. Sam "Goldie" Kirk Avatar

    Your response regarding computer throwing was epic. Made me chuckle. I hear ya.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Thanks.

  9. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    The award winning Herb! I am honored to be associated with you all

    Stay well and Laugh

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, the pleasure is all mine.

  10. AJMcGregor Avatar

    This was interesting. It really would be fun to have that cup of coffee. 😊

    1. Herb Avatar

      Sounds like a plan.

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