Award Winning Wednesday – A. J. McGregor At The Lonely Meatball

Award Winning Wednesday – A. J. McGregor At The Lonely Meatball

Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22111-682:

This week’s award goes to a blog that was just started because of Covid-19 and lockdown and self-isolation, so it hasn’t been around as long as some of the others I have done, but I just really like this one. A. J. McGregor is an English Teacher and a published author of children’s poetry. On her blog, she posts one of her original poems a day. They are, as all good children’s literature seems to me to be, deceptively simple but often carrying an underlying message that is good for any age. I recommend that you check out The Lonely Meatball and give her a follow. A worthwhile couple of minutes each day that will make you smile and maybe even think, sometimes.

Now, my mind often goes down rabbit trails and as I was reading through several pages of her blog I ran across the titular poem, called, oddly enough, The Lonely Meatball. A clever little piece about the last meatball on someone’s plate. This got me to thinking about an old Abbott & Costello radio show where Frank Sinatra is a guest star. At the end of the show, Frank and Lou sing the song “One Meatball.” I don’t know exactly why it did that, but, well, you know how minds are. Anyway, I think if you give The Lonely Meatball blog a try it will be a treat to yourself.

Of course (obviously?), she can do anything or nothing at all as she wants to with this award, there are no strings attached, no questions to answer, no linkbacks to make or other blogs to tag, but simply, I am offering the “Herb likes this blog and would like to have coffee with this blogger sometime,” award to A. J. McGregor at The Lonely Meatball.


16 responses to “Award Winning Wednesday – A. J. McGregor At The Lonely Meatball”

  1. dumbestblogger Avatar

    You are perfecting the art of the shout-out, and I love it. I visited that blog recently, and also thought it was quite good.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It really is great. I like it.

  2. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Herb, I can’t thank you enough for these lovely words! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog and I’m glad it makes you smile. Your blog does the same for me. You are definitely one of the good guys on Earth. I think this explains why I gained another follower tonight. Your Award Winning Wednesday is a kind, generous tradition. Big hug.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Awww… * blushes * You’re welcome.

  3. James Avatar

    If ever a blog deserved this award it’s The Lonely Meatball – always makes me smile

    1. Herb Avatar


  4. Lydia Avatar

    Really cool blog name! Makes me hungry.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s a very nice blog. You should read it.

  5. Beck Avatar

    I love Award Winning Wednesday! So far I’ve loved every blog you’ve picked. Thanks Herb!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you for the nice words. It’s always hard to pick just one.

  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Good Choice I’d love to have coffee with a lonely meatball as well Congrats A.J. McGregor

    1. Herb Avatar


  7. Petra Avatar

    Your choices are always on point and I love finding all these new blogs!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you.

  8. […] her] that I wrote about her blog on one of my “Award Winning Wednesday” posts called Award Winning Wednesday – A. J. McGregor At The Lonely Meatball.) Anyway, I visit her blog every time I go out visiting, which is pretty frequently, and was […]

  9. […] in August 2020, I did an Award Winning Wednesday and introduced you to The Lonely Meatball by A.J. McGregor. I really have enjoyed her blog, even […]

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