We have been streaming our services since the governor of Colorado asked us not to assemble in groups of ten or more. While he did say religious services could be exempt our pastor felt that the safer thing was to stream the services over our church website along with posting archives of his new daily podcast. The Heritage Pentecostal Church website is here.
Tonight we are going to try something new for us, drive-in church! The speakers and PA system and a few instruments are set up outside and you go to church and listen with your windows down. You can see each other and kind of communicate, but at least you are at church with your brothers and sisters.
Since I am such a helpful guy, I am going to post these guidelines to help everyone out, just in case you need them.

And, even though we are a Pentecostal church, you might want to double-check if we have permission for this:

13 responses to “Drive-In Church”
Haha! I love that! Our morning service was a drive in type. It was pretty cool indeed!
I suppose it was you they took that picture of, doing donuts in the church parking lot?
Lol it wasn’t me, but don’t be shocked if I were the passenger!
That’s awesome! Is be the driver but my car is much smaller.
Well, that little car could probably do the donuts and stay in the social distancing at the same time. hahaha.
Quite a handy little graphic there. I think I’ll print it out and put it on my fridge.
You could stick it on your dashboard.
Still trying to hang onto the last of the gas station Nacho’s I got before this virus hit, so I’m a little scared to put anything else up there at the moment.
Maybe you can tuck it under your plastic Jesus.
Thanks. I’ll give that a try.
Haha the last meme totally made me laugh!
Yeah, I got it yesterday and thought it was good.