Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

It’s been a lot of non-stop with people coming and going and the waiting. It seems interminable, sometimes, being camped out in a waiting room but we have it to do.

One lesson being learned is that we have to start using “religious” hospitals, rather than secular ones. The sanctity of human life and working to preserve it is not as strong here as it would be in the Catholic hospital across town. Here it is more the sanctity of the bottom line. Not the individual workers, as I told you about the other night, but the general philosophy of the hospital itself. I guess I never really realized that the priorities of the higher-ups in an organization, any organization, filter down to all parts of the business. I should have known this because I had seen it when I worked in big-name corporations, how they would change when the CEO would change. In a Catholic/Jewish/Presbyterian/Etc. hospital, they have a mission to be like the Big Boss. In a secular hospital, they are trying to serve the stockholders and board of directors.


3 responses to “Lesson Learned”

  1. john liming Avatar

    I learned the difference between a “Civilian” hospital and a Veterans’ Administration early on. I learned that the civilian hospital is interested in treating patients in such a manner as they have to keep coming back for more treatments — The civilian medical community is interested in treating patients just enough so that they require frequent revisits or referrals to specialists (Probably with kickbacks involved). The VA medical community, on the other hand, treats patients with an eye to getting them as cured as possible so that future visits and specialists are not required (to the degree possible.)

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for that comment. There are definable differences.

  2. Amber Avatar


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