The New Porn

>>>>>>>>********< <<<<<<< Please be warned. This entry, especially the first paragraph, may be offensive to some, but it is entirely factual and to my idea necessary to dramatize my point. If you are easily offended or bothered, you probably should not read this or at least skip the first paragraph. Also, I would like to make sure you understand that this is not an argument in favor of the porn industry but a commentary on other things that I feel relate, either directly or indirectly. >>>>>>>>********<<<<<<<< The scene is two woman in scanty, sexy (as if there were any other kind) lingerie who have tied a man to a bed. He is tied to the bed and blindfolded. One girl has a long ostrich feather with which she is tickling him and the other girl crawls into the bed with him and pressing her bosom against his bare chest in as provocative a manner as possible, proceeds to kiss him. They want some sort of information from him and I am sure they got it. A scene from a porn story? Could be. A porn movie? No, how about a book? Nope. This was a network, daytime TV soap opera several years ago, when I worked in a big corporation. The TV was on in the break room and the scene above is exactly as portrayed on the soap opera. This was during the summertime, when many of the viewers are potentially young children and teenage girls home on vacation. The people who allowed their children to watch this, unwittingly perhaps, are the same people that will stand up in religious meetings and town hall meetings and cry out against the porn industry and not allow certain stores to come into their town because it is immoral. I wonder if the people who attack the incoming store so vehemently would bother to take the time to watch the daytime TV that their kids are watching? Perhaps if they did they could effect a real change to society. In our society there are so many forces that are against women and harmful to women, especially the young. Soap operas (TV in general), Hollyweird and the fashion industry spring to mind. Adults, and I think 21 ought to be the age for anything that is "adult"; drinking, driving, voting, buying a weapon, going to college, getting married; 21 ought to be the age of adulthood across the board. Either that or a standardized test that anyone of any age would have to pass that showed maturity. Ancient civilizations did this in one form or another. Anyway, adults, of course, should have the right to watch or read what they want, but I think pornography is harmful to children that are exposed to it. And much of what is on TV, in the fashion industry, and coming out of Hollyweird is equally as vile. In some countries women may be enslaved physically, but women here are enslaved mentally and emotionally. You must look like this model and talk like this TV star and drive this car... I think the harmfulness of the fashion industry, cable and network TV and Hollywood are downplayed by the very people who decry allowing the porn store. I think that if you are going to target porn, you must also target pornographic clothing styles as well as both suggestive and blatant network and cable TV shows. You must also target shows that mock religion and teach, either openly or by example, that it is humorous and cute to mock your parents and authorities and authority figures. The very parents and authorities who are trying to teach abstinence are the ones that are most frequently mocked. This makes true holiness churches, such as Apostolic Pentecostals, some branches of Baptist and I think certain Muslim sects, as well as many other groups and individuals, anyone, really, who holds up a standard of living to their children that they actually adhere to themselves, some of the only ones that can criticize. They often do not allow (if they are real and of course the different groups vary, also) TV, Video, immodest apparel or talk and monitor what their children do and where they go and who they are with, including the internet. I say "if they are real" because I know people who don't have a TV but will send their kids over to Grandma's to watch Christmas specials or will let them wear some kinds of clothing as long as they are not going someplace where church people might see them and get offended. You are harming your children by shouting "amen" at the preacher and teaching your kids, either outright or by example that they don't really have to do what he says. You would do better to buy them all the booze and cigarettes and porn books and movies they want. If you don't agree with the teachings of your church or pastor or whatever, go somewhere else where you can be an example to your children of what is taught there. It should be obvious to parents which materials are not for everyone and do not suit your family's morals, tastes or needs. If there is a father in the house, it is his responsibility to see that such rules are made and followed or at least, if it is his wife that makes the rules, that she is obeyed by the children. I was at a friend of the family's house who reads "romance" novels that have everything, including truly pornographic language. They have young children of an impressionable age and if some stranger were to write a story like that and give it to the children, he could go to jail if he lived past what the family would do to him for giving their kids such trash, yet she leaves these books laying around for anyone to read. Children will get into anything, this is true, but if it isn't there to get into, you don't have to worry quite as much. Dad, think back to when you were a teenager. Do you think the times have changed so much that our old tricks have been taken out of the playbook? I do have to run, again, but hope I have provided, if not food for thought, perhaps fodder for later discussions? Remember, the Good Book says, "Raise the kid how ya want it to grow up" and "Don't look at evil stuff."

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