Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23055 – 1085 Here’s the haps: Spring is sprungThe grass is rizI wonder where them boidies is?They claim, I hoid,The Boid is on the wingBut that’s absoidI know the wing is on the boid. That poem was listed in several…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23054 – 1084 My Dear and Beloved Fans, Friends, Fiends, foes, Foundlings, Excellent Esoteric Eccentrics, and just plain Folks,Greetings, Salutations, and Hi There. Here’s the haps: As you may or may not be aware I enjoy deadlines. As Douglas Adams…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23051 – 1083 Here’s the haps: I think this little girl is probably a bit overwhelmed by the camera and everything. She’s an eight-year-old Second Grader who competes in the rodeo and she donated half of her earnings to a…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23048 – 1082 Here’s the haps: Today is the fifteenth of March. Day number 74 of this year which is exactly 20% over. I had this thought about the middle of this month, it was one of my ideas of…
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