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  • More Miscellany

    Yesterday afternoon Ben and Isabel came over. Isabel is a photographer as well as a CNA. Fortunately, for us all she doesn’t combine the two careers. Anyway, she came over and took Abigail to take a bunch of pictures down at Fountain…

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  • Stuff And Updates

    Greeting and felicitous salutations, ‘blog fans. I don’t know if I have enough to fill an entry. My idea pump seems to be jammed. Well, actually, I have several good ideas and suggestions, but I just don’t feel like working on them.…

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  • Herbert E. Thiel

    When I was growing up and even to this day when I am around certain relatives and people who have known me since I was young, and some elderly folks, I bore the moniker, “Little Herbie.” Man, I hated that. I hated…

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  • Sunday School

    Greetings Blog Fans, Sorry I haven’t done anything new for a couple of days. I guess I am in something of a slump. Yesterday I slept in until 5:00 and Sunday I stayed in bed until 6:00! Sunday I had kind of…

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