Sorry gang, our phone line was acting up yesterday. Oh, yes, I still have a dialup connection. Isn’t that so last century. *laughs* Anyway, I was planning to tell you all about the great Harvest Feast we had and show you pictures…
I just came in from shoveling snow. I hate shoveling snow here in Colorado Springs. People hear about Colorado getting 18 inches of snow in one day and they freak out. Truth is, that is up in the mountains. The city of…
What is up with the people that send you chain e-mails? Sometimes it is an actually beautiful poem or sentiment or encouragement, then at the end it’s, “Send this to 10 people in 10 minutes or your computer will turn upside-down and…
Some of the new things I can do with a paid subscription here is put up a photo gallery, a hit counter and create polls. This is going to be fun. I think the first question I will do is whether Carter…
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