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  • More Grumblings

    3 lbs 7 oz! They did an official weight on Sunday and that was it! *Takes cowboy hat in hand and waves it in the air shouting “yee-haw!”* They also tried to bottle-feed her for the first time yesterday also. Isabel and…

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  • More Assorted Stuff

    14 and ½ inches long! Margaret got to go up to see her and said she actually had some meat on her legs. This was exciting. It would have been more exciting if I had seen her myself, but no, I have…

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  • Assorted Stuff

    Hi everyone. I was offline yesterday as our phone wouldn’t produce a dial tone, just a little static. Called the phone company, they came out and found a critter had chewed the cable! Our dog isn’t the chewing kind, so it had…

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  • Three Pounds

    Woo-hoo! She is a 3 pounder, now! I am really excited about that. I have the Colorado Creeping Crud again, however and am not a happy camper. I hate being sick, especially when I have things to do. They are letting Savannah…

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