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  • No Irish Need Apply

    Well, happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you. On my mother’s side there is a lot o’ Irish as on my father’s side is mostly German. Having been born in this country I am an American. When the Irish side of my family…

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  • Pix Posted

    I don’t really have a weight update on Savannah. Her gain has slowed because the doctor wanted to get her onto a normal formula mix rather than the extra-calorie mix which would have messed up her liver and such. I haven’t lost…

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  • Baby Dedication

    Baby Savannah was dedicated to the Lord yesterday. For those who do not know or understand this practice, let me explain. Babies were never baptized in the Scripture. In the Bible the only people who were baptized were those who understood what…

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  • Freedom of Speech on the WWW

    First, weight updates. Savannah now weighs 7 lbs 3 oz and I have lost 7 lbs. I am down to the weight I had started out at the last time I did this, which is 235. So, 7 lbs in approximately 4…

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