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  • An Idea

    Okay, so my computer has gone from being so dead I can’t even get a cursor to back to as normal as it ever was, by itself. I still don’t expect to have much time to write after today because my parents…

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  • What’s Going On

    Hi everyone. My computer is on it’s last legs and would not boot up for several days. Abby tinkered with it and got it to start but how long it will last is anyone’s guess. I just wanted to tell you all…

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  • Happ B-Day Grandma Christian

    I had the honor and pleasure to be invited to Grandma Christian’s 95th birthday party yesterday. If you think of a 95 year old person the way we generally do, you are wrong. Go to the bottom of the class. Grandma C…

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  • Dan

    I was at Nicole’s Blog this morning and noticed a comment in the tag-board that someone had left which made me wonder at how easy computers are nowadays to use. It used to be that you had to have some intelligence…

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