I had started this entry on 12/9 when our town was supposed to be visited by Fred Phelps and I listened to a radio station reporter who had interviewed him and his followers. I wonder how many will bother to read past…
I haven’t been around the blogsphere visiting because I didn’t even get on the computer on Sunday…I should say I didn’t get on the Internet. Since I got the game I wanted, Civilization IV (link might be a long load for dial-ups,…
I enjoy sleight-of-hand/illusion/trickery or what is sometimes called “parlor magic.” I love to watch a GOOD illusionist, a magician’s magician, who can make me say, “Whoa! That’s cool. Where DID that rabbit come from.” Oh, I know there are now websites that…
I have noticed that many bloggers are, I don’t know, feelin’ the blues or just somewhat cynical about the Christmas Holiday season. (Do Jewish people have the same problem with Chanukah? I don’t know anything about that, except I wonder if the…
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