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  • An Update

    Since Tabitha “fixed” the laptop by checking to see if the power cord was plugged in all the way, I guess I have no excuse not to update.  Well, I still have the usual one, procrastination.  That’s a topic that can wait, however. Congratulations…

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  • Blogdrive’s Spellcheck

    This is an old piece, but I am having trouble with the little dingus that sticks into the laptop to charge it up, so by the time I read everyone’s blog’s this morning I didn’t have any time to update. So, we…

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  • Prayer Request Update

    Let’s don’t forget to pray for Carter and all the boys in the catbox. Got e-mail from him, “had to shepard a convoy through the other night.3 hour convoy took 11 hours.sent a terorist to meet allah(not me personally),and took some fire…

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  • Be It Hereby Resolved

    Before I start this, I just want to say “thanks” to everyone that comes here.  You guys are really the best.  I appreciate EVERY comment and thank you for taking your time to share them.  If you are a blogger yourself you probably know how…

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