I tried to edit this story of how Carter got blown up as little as possible; it’s the actual e-mail conversation Carter and I had a couple of weeks ago. There are 2 separate stories, and I guess I could have made it…
Florence Nightengale May 12, 1820 – August 13, 1910 When Florence was 24 years old, she had a “calling” from God. She wrote in her journal, “God spoke to me and called me to His service.” Florence decided her calling was to help the sick and the poor by becoming…
I’m late on the Easter re-cap, but I’m about late on my updates all the time. Sometimes I just get to living life and don’t know how long it’s been since I updated last. Then, when I realize how long it actually was I…
Sorry if you’ve gotten several e-mails regarding this one entry. I think this is the final edit, complete update. Really. I think I’ve corrected everything. I think. I apologize for not updating sooner. It is one of my resolutions that I have…
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