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  • Day 4 060606

    BTW, Happy birthday Ashley and Happy Birthday U.S. Army and Happy Flagday everybody! Day 4 of my parents’ visit Uh-oh.  060606,  A day of superstitious lore.  Mom spent the whole day worrying that either something bad was going to happen or the rapture would take place or…

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  • Day 3 060506

    Day 3 of my parents’ visit My dad is a good conversationalist (when he has his hearing aids on and is looking right at you) and story-teller so you will hear a little more about him than my mom, who, although she…

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  • Day 2 060406

    Day 2 of my parents’ visit “You have the friendliest church, Herbie.” “Some of them people still remembered us from last time. They were real nice.” So the day started pretty good, although mom got winded and tired out going from the…

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  • Day 1 060306

    Hi Everyone, I have tried to chronicle the parents’ visit and plan to post something a little different each day for the next week.  Hopefully in that time I will have some pix ready to post. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Day 1 of my parents’ visit…

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