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  • A Whine, er, an Update

    Well, the drugs are beginning to take effect and I am feeling somewhat better. I still have a broken laptop, though, and can’t find enough peace and quiet all at one time to work on anything much. I did find a few…

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  • Blogging Meme

    Got this over at Chrysalis’ Blog. The loss of the laptop has affected my blogging, but I will try to keep the momentum up that I had going. Plus, I have been sick and it turned into Bronchitis and was prescribed Antibiotics…

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  • Making Apothecary

    When I got that first job at the drugstore back in 1974 (see the entry “Changed”), I learned a lot. I don’t know how much I knew I was learning at the time, but I think back and a few things stand…

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  • Update 7-22-06

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words and encouraging comments and everyone’s support. I especially wish to thank Pops, for writing so eloquently and often poignantly about his father’s last days. It has been comforting in this time since mom…

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