Blogging A – Z Challenge P is for Poor, Pitiable Readers Please accept my apologies, gentle readers, but I do have reasons for being so tardy and would also like to point out that, while I may not be caught up to…
Blogging A – Z Challenge “O for a muse of fire…” O is for Talk Like Shakespeare Day April 23rd is Talk Like Shakespeare Day as well as English Language Day. I have always been a big fan of both. I began…
Blogging A – Z Challenge N is for No Sir, No Excuse is New If you cash a check or want to receive money, you need to have a valid, government issued ID, State ID, Military ID, etc. It has to be…
Blogging A – Z Challenge M is for Memorable Every year that I live here in Colorado Springs I seem to have an occasion to remember this song. Mainly because we get a snowstorm in April every year, hahaha. Performed here by…
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