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  • Fixing Consistency With Butter And Salt

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Consistency.  That is the key word that I need to focus on.  I need to produce content here on my blog and while I (think I) have the ingredients all together in one place, just…

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  • Bear Lee There – Again

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Family and Nature Lovers, My question for you all today is, where does a 300+ pound bear and her cub go to eat? Anywhere they want to. Including my trash can. We live in a sort of…

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  • Broken Paradigm

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Sometimes things are not always what you think they will be.  I think we all have our little prejudices and preconceived ideas about things.  Here’s one example. I was on the way to pick up…

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  • Daughter’s Diagnosis

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes and Family, Well, the diagnosis is in and it is Lyme Disease.  The good thing is that now we know what we are fighting.  It is something tangible, to fight.  A known enemy.  Another good thing (I…

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