Warning. This post contains a partial description of one of these procedures and may not be appropriate for young kids. We live in a vile and twisted society. This is an offensive and off-putting topic but murdering children before they are even…
Of all the punctuation marks, the comma has the most rules and really, I’m not sure if I’m qualified to talk about them all. A lot of times I just go by instinct and whatever sounds right to my ear at the…
A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat. He came across two men: One was sitting under a tree reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion quickly pounced on the man…
Our Sunday School lesson today was about Nehemiah, who was cupbearer to Artaxerxes, king of Persia and the then-known world. What struck me as funny was that as the job description was being told, several of the kids were shocked by it.…
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