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  • Readable Books

    Readable Books

    As I said the other day, the most popular pages on are the pages I made about the order to read Louis L’Amour’s books about the Chantry, Sackett, and Talon families. He is one of the most popular authors around, even…

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  • Blogger Recognition Award

    My name was dropped to receive a Blogger Recognition award and I feel honored. At least there’s not a limit on the number of people I have to nominate. I know more than I did, thanks to Ben over at Brothers Campfire…

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  • Popular Stuff Here

    Popular Stuff Here

    Even though I have written about a wide variety of controversial and potentially controversial subjects, the posts that elicit more comments than any others are the ones about Louis L’Amour and the ones about coffee. This kind of cracks me up because…

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  • Murphy's Laws of Computers

    Murphy's Laws of Computers

    When using your computer, whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen. When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it’s probably obsolete. The first place to look for information is in the section of the…

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The content of this blog, my website and any other of my works in any other form are my original creation. They are not free to use in any way or form without my express, written license and consent except as provided for by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited to, use for training of generative artificial intelligence, large language models, and any other technologies past, present, or future which use any part of the work of the author.

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