One Twenty Twenty Twenty I wonder some years, where the time went-yHow have I arrived in Twenty-Twenty?When I was twenty I felt like I couldLive forever if I learned to be good. Now the century of the MillenniumWhich feels as only yesterday…
Once there was a dreamer, or so they sayWho wished children could hold hands, run, and playTogether on Georgia’s red clay hillsBut was that preacher/dreamer’s dream fullfilled? Over fifty years ago he lived and diedSome might say he failed, though he triedAnd…
I feel extremely honored and privileged to have received the Northwich Warrior Society for facing fear and anxiety. I was nominated and awarded for my post on facing my fear and anxiety. Thank you, NWS and Boo that fear!
We’re not really talking about when the guy pays you back and says, “Here’s the money I ode you.” That would actually be owed, not ode. Of course if you were paying him to write poetry for you then you might be…
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