Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23249 – 1161 First, rather than bore you with lengthy, though heartfelt, apologies I can only say that life has become somewhat more hectic and sporadic (albeit interesting) at the moment for both good and bad. This means that posts…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23238 – 1160 Here’s the haps (Late Edition): This is not my normal Throw-It-back-Thursday but while I was mowing the grass I had time to think about a few things I’ve heard or read recently. A few things to ponder,…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23235 – 1159 Here’s the haps: **** Edit/Add Herbdate 23452 – I’m sorry I had to remove the memes associated with this post but I have been having trouble with some files as noted here. Memes will be re-added later elsewhere…
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23233 – 1158 Here’s the haps: Daughter TNT sent me a link to this story thinking it would make for a good addition to this series and I think so, too. This is the kind of story I like because…
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