I almost forgot that today is Curmudgeonly Monday and started acting almost sort of close to pleasant to people today. Pheeww! good thing I caught that. So, here’s something that makes me feel like a curmudgeon. Myths and urban legends don’t belong…
Last night we had our first test run of having drive-in church. It worked fairly well, except that the PA system had some physical ailment. I believe it was a couple of bad cables, but it worked out okay and now we…
We have been streaming our services since the governor of Colorado asked us not to assemble in groups of ten or more. While he did say religious services could be exempt our pastor felt that the safer thing was to stream the…
I don’t recall the exact catalyst that caused me to invite some people to write a guest post on my blog. There are a couple of people I invited early on after I decided to do this because I am really curious…
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