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  • A Note About Writing

    A Note About Writing

    I was over at The Dumbest Blog Ever (which seems to me to be increasingly misnamed) and read a three-part western story he had written called Shooter and the Kid. He had based it on a twenty-five hundred year old Greek tragedy…

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  • Curmudgeonly Monday?  Meh.

    Curmudgeonly Monday? Meh.

    Well, I guess it does make me a little grumpy that our governor has extended the stay at home order until April 26th but I was more than expecting it, so why bother getting upset. It is what it is. I can…

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  • Drove-in 2

    Drove-in 2

    Honk If You Love Jesus – It’s not just a bumper sticker any more. Well, this was the second week we have had a church service like this. Everyone stays in their cars and the cars are parked with a minimum of…

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  • Some Old Junk

    Some Old Junk

    I was working on a project, actually I’m still working on it, and time got away from me, as it is oft times wont to do, so I broke into the archives of some old newsletter and I will share a couple…

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