• Snow Shoveling

    I just came in from shoveling snow. I hate shoveling snow here in Colorado Springs. People hear about Colorado getting 18 inches of snow in one day and they freak out. Truth is, that is up in the mountains. The city of…

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  • Urban Legend Spreaders

    What is up with the people that send you chain e-mails? Sometimes it is an actually beautiful poem or sentiment or encouragement, then at the end it’s, “Send this to 10 people in 10 minutes or your computer will turn upside-down and…

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  • Carter

    Some of the new things I can do with a paid subscription here is put up a photo gallery, a hit counter and create polls. This is going to be fun. I think the first question I will do is whether Carter…

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  • Boy Scouts

    I cannot believe that the ACLU has nothing better to do than to pick on the Boy Scouts. They are quick to sue not only the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) but any person that wants to remind us the principles that…

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  • Strong Women

    After reading Susan B’s blog entry at http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=sbalak from November 1, 2004 (I think it’s on the second or third page by now), where she says, “…I do not tuck my tail and run at the first mention of an opposing thought…

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  • D W Hollingsworth

    Thanks to Nicole for letting me say these things. Nicole’s remarks in the little sidebar chat thingy on this blog, which may have disappeared by this time, where she says “The jokes are daddy’s, well I guess they are mine now.” Got…

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  • Profiling

    I found this floating around a couple of places and do not know who the author is. I wish I had written it, but I didn’t. If it belongs to you, I will give you either credit or take it down, whichever…

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The content of this blog, my website and any other of my works in any other form are my original creation. They are not free to use in any way or form without my express, written license and consent except as provided for by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is not limited to, use for training of generative artificial intelligence, large language models, and any other technologies past, present, or future which use any part of the work of the author.

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