• Picture and Short Update

    Here is a picture of a Savannah Melody! Thanks to Sam, I was able to find one. I have a notoriously black thumb, but I have found several places that sell the bulbs and was thinking of trying to grow one. I…

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  • Job Hunting

    Since so many people I know are looking for work and some for their first real job, I have decided to put down a few of the rules that I have used in the past to get a job. Modify them to…

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  • Update

    Our little baby has a tube coming out of her stomach through the esophagus to help her burp. I offered her a Coke but the nurse said no. Can you imagine a Thiel not being allowed to drink a coke?!? Well, she…

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  • More Info

    Woo-hoo! 1 pound, 13 ½ ounces! Ben and Isabel can hold the baby for one full hour a day. She is so stable; they are considering moving her from the NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit) to a different hospital. That sounded a…

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  • More Info

    The latest info, such as I have. Grandma Pike is out of the hospital and doing as well as ever. Isabel is out of the hospital, too. We haven’t seen much of the baby the last few days because we have all…

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  • Addendum

    I am horrified at the spelling, grammar and usage in the latest entry. Please forgive it. It just goes to show what a combination no sleep and no proofreading and trying to hurry to get something out is. Arrggghhhh!

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  • Updates

    More new pics at http://herbthiel.blogdrive.com/galleries I’m trying to catch up here, but so much has been going on it has been wild. Beside being sick I have been waking Ben up at 1:30 a.m. so he can get up for his U.P.S.…

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