Some good friends of ours gave us some meat today. I always marinate it. I have for years. I know not everybody marinates it, but it’s what I like. We picked up this recipe card at the Shawano County Fair back in…
I’m going to make a humor blog, but I haven’t decided exactly when. Here are a few free samples, mainly because I don’t really have anything to write about or post at this very moment. Tomorrow is the National Home-school Tornado Drill.…
The double-dog dare from yesterday was satisfied completely and honorably. This is not the dislike part. In fact, I’m so proud of him that I think that if Ben wants to have some coffee with a little froo-froo creamer once in a…
As some of you will recall and/or know firsthand, or read the entry last month called, “Family,” I take family seriously and have a kind of extended bunch who are my family whether either of us likes it or not. Generally speaking,…
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