First, thank you all for voting for my friends, they came in a close second and got a $15,000 prize. Subject to taxes, etc. I was very happy for them! Mrs. T’s Corner left a comment stating they had nominated me for…
I found this in a folder of items copied from a 3.5 floppy to an external hard drive. The date on the original e-mail was 5/14/99. I wonder if they had the technology of today way back in those ancient times if…
As I was cleaning the cat litter box this afternoon, I began to wonder which was the better pet, the cat, or the dog? My original question was which is better, a cat or a dog, but then I remembered that I…
We have some friends in the restaurant business here in Colorado Springs. The name of the place is El Taco Rey and they have been here in the Springs since 1976. It is, pretty much literally, a hole in the wall. A…
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