• Brownies

    Ever since Nicole http://nicoler.blogdrive.com/ , whom people think is so nice and sweet, mentioned in one of her holiday entries that she was baking cookies and brownies, Scott W and I have been trying to get her to make us some. We…

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  • Cool New Savannah News

    Just got a call from Isabel at the hospital. Savannah has been nippling all of her feedings and no longer has the tube down her throat. If she can keep on with that, she could be home as early as next week!…

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  • Blogs And Such

    Ben and Isabel stopped by last night and Savannah is 4 lbs 5 ounces now. Her de-statting is becoming less frequent all the time. We are hopeful for her soon release. Ben is going to check on her ketchup levels and report…

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  • Two Months Old

    Today our Savannah is 2 months old! Yep. 2 months have gone by since they pulled her out with her little fist raised. From 1 pound 8 ounces to 4 pounds 4 ounces! I told her there were people all over the…

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  • Savannah Update

    Okay folks, we have a 4 pounder! Yep! Actually 4 pounds 1 ounce. She is now almost 16 inches long, too. This little gal is getting to be a regular monster compared to her 1 pound 8 ounce, 13 inch start. They…

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  • Hodge Podge

    The pix are up of Margaret and I holding baby Savannah. http://herbthiel.blogdrive.com/galleries You can see where she is touching the snap on my western shirt. It won’t be long and we’ll be able to put a little pair of boots on her…

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  • 1984 A Book Review Of Sorts

    Every hair on the back of my neck stood on end all the way to the top of my head. I was totally creeped out. What could do that? Well, folks, I forced myself to re-read George Orwell’s “1984” again. I am…

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