It is one thing to see and visit with and make goo-goo eyes at your 9-month-old grandson when his mom is healthy and you can hand him back at those times when, as the patriarch of the great Thiel tribe, you suddenly…
I was at The Dumbest Blog Ever – Stupidity on [Stare]oids and read his 12-word post, knowing full well that I hadn’t written anything for today yet. So, I pressed his “Reblog” button and I share with you the friendly post with…
Found this in the archives dated 8/22/00. A school teacher injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. It fit under his shirt and was not noticeable at all. On the first day…
Not a whole lot to update everybody on. We had made a place in the living room which Margaret had sectioned off with tote to give our daughter some sort of modicum of privacy and that was okay. I hesitated to suggest…
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